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Today's Quote
"Be Miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done. It's always your choice." - Wayne Dyer
Diversity News & Facts |
Did You Know
- Research shows over 75% of job seekers consider workplace diversity an important factor when considering employment opportunities.
- By 2025, 25 percent of workers in the U.S. and the United Kingdom will be older than age 55.
- Women are now the majority owners of 38% of the
businesses in the USA, up from 29% in 2007.
- "Just Be Yourself" Not Viewed a Viable Option by Many Visible
Minorities in the Workplace -- Catalyst study findings reveal
workplace fit, negative stereotyping, and preconceptions of
leadership qualities are barriers to career advancement for
visible minorities.
- Only the continent of Africa
exceeds the linguistic, genetic and cultural diversity of the
nation of India.
- India has more than two thousand
ethnic groups, and every major religion is represented.
- South Africa is a multilingual country. Its democratic
constitution, which came into effect on 4 February 1997,
recognizes 11 official languages, to which it guarantees equal
- U.S. Government statistics show women earn roughly 80 cents
for every dollar a man makes.
- Gender is the most commonly targeted aspect of diversity -
cited by 54 percent of organizations surveyed while only 31
percent reported having programs focusing on race/ethnicity.
(Source - Catalyst)
- Swedish companies must have active programs supporting equal
opportunities for women and men, and with respect to parental
leave, either parent is entitled to 480 days of leave.
- Immigrant populations account for a third of the population in
a country like Luxembourg, and a quarter of the population in
