most effective Internet recruitment ads contain activated links
for web addresses and email responses. These elements are included
in our pricing so be sure to include them in your ads.
Single Posting: (All
Postings Are For 60 Days)
A single posting is an ad
containing one job description posted to a single
category and a single country.
The cost for a single ad posting is $195.00 (US Currency).
Postings of the same ad to 2 or more countries
receive a $50 discount.
For placement in additional
categories add $25 per category.
Contact DiversityLink for
pricing on ads containing multiple positions.
Multiple Postings
Packages (USA) : (All postings must be submitted in one
bundle.) Note:These discounts are not available through advertising
agencies or job posting services AND cannot be combined with other discounts. Pricing for multiple countries and
categories subject to additional charges as noted above.
Note: All posting must be submitted at one
How To Submit Job
To submit job ads go to
POST NOW or your job postings can be forwarded via
email .
In addition to the text of the ad we require the following
information --1) a purchase order number or other form of authorization,
if utilized by your organization; 2) name, email address and phone number
of the person responsible for the posting; 3) complete billing
instructions including the name of the person with the authority to
approve invoices; 4) a designated category [or categories] in which to
place the ad, and 5) a designated country [or countries] where you wish the ad
to be placed.
Ads will be posted within 24
hours of receipt. Clients with billing accounts will be invoiced promptly. Our terms are 30 days.

We accept credit card payments, either
Visa or Mastercard.
** Please contact
DiversityLink for more information.